
Contacting the governors

The governors may be contacted via the school office. We warmly welcome your comments and your involvement with the governing body.

Name Role Term Start Term End Appointed By
Mrs Debbie Butcher Headteacher     Ex-officio
Revd. Mark Jones-Parry Chair of Governors Foundation Governor (Ex-officio) 05/12/2014   Ex-Officio-incumbent of St Cuthbert’s Church
Cllr Bambos Charalambous L.A. Governor 18/09/2022 17/09/2026 LA and Governing Body
Father Engin Yildrim Foundation Governor     Ex-officio – Vicar of St Michaels Wood Green
Mrs Michelle Broomes  Foundation Governor  03/10/2019 02/10/2023 GB/board
Daniela Atamnia Parent Governor 19/11/2019 19/11/2023 Parents of SMAB
Camille Anderson Parent Governor 14/01/2022 13/01/2026 Parents of SMAB
Janev Mehmet  Foundation Governor  09/02/2023 08/02/2027  
Rosa Aers Foundation Governor ( Haringey) Deanery Synod 21/09/2023 20/09/2027  
Isaac Kalonji Foundation Governor  09/12/2022 08/12/2026  
Gerald Gambrah Foundation Governor  10/11/2022 09/11/2026 Ex-officio
Kate MacDonald-Boyle Staff Governor 09/10/2020 08/10/2024  


We hope that you will be very happy with your child’s education. If, however, you have cause for complaint please contact the class teacher in the first instance. If you still have concerns these should be brought to the attention of the Headteacher and subsequently the Chair of Governors.

Minutes from Governors’ Meeting – 8th February 2024

Minutes from Governors’ Meeting – 11th January 2024

Minutes from Governors’ Meeting – 9th November 2023

Minutes from Governors’ Meetings – 18th October 2023

Minutes from Governors’ Meetings – 21st September 2023

Governor School Visits Policy

Governors leaflet for parents 

Governors’ Statement of Behaviour

Instrument of Government

Click here for archived minutes from Governors’ Meetings 

Click here for archived Governing Body Attendance Register

Click here for archived Governors’ Newsletters