Parent Pay

In an attempt to remove/limit the amount of cash and cheques from our school we are asking parents/carers to use our e-payment methods on Parent Pay.

ParentPay offers you the freedom to make payments whenever and wherever you like, 24-7, safe in the knowledge that the technology used is the highest internet security available. You have a secure online account, with a unique user ID and password. You can change these to something you will easily remember and merge accounts of 2 or more children.

We currently implement a cashless payment system for the following:

Dinner money – £2.50 per day (£12.50 per week)

Breakfast Club – £2.50 per day

School Trips

For parents with Internet access you will: –

  • No longer have to send cash or cheques into school to make payment for the above.
  • Use a credit card or debit card to make payments. This will be done by logging on to an on-line payment system called ParentPay, which can be found at (Log in details/ information can be obtained from the school office)

For parents who cannot access the Internet or who do not have a debit or credit card, a PayPoint letter will be issued and you will be able to credit your child’s account using cash at local shops displaying PayPoint signs.

We are in the process of working to ensure that by the new academic year we also include all schools trips and other event payments on ParentPay.